How It Werx.

Dream It

Mint Werx turns creator and brand growth ideas into reality. The world of Web3, Web5, blockchain and AI can be complex and overwhelming, but we’re here to simplify the process and help bring your vision to life.

Plan It

Your innovation and emerging tech strategy is the single most important aspect of growing your brand and community. Our team of experts will advise you every step of the way to help roadmap, produce, and activate amazing ideas.

Build It

"If you build it, they will come.” We are fully integrated with Fusion92’s 250+ person team, ready to bring together a complex array of technologies to blend strategic, creative, data-driven solutions with your voice and growth goals — built to perform, engage, and last lifetimes.


Grow It

We empower you to grow through unique digital interactions with your audience on your terms in trailblazing ways, whether you’re looking for a single program launch or looking to innovate into an entirely new space.

Own It

Now is the time to win your audience back from “Big-Tech.” Investing in innovative solutions helps transform your economic model, putting you in the driver’s seat to directly benefit from the value of your content over time.

Amplify It

Our innovation and emerging technology solutions integrate across multichannel, decentralized platforms, facilitating conversations with fans and followers that stand the test of time and build authentic, resilient connections, reaching audiences across the globe.